
My ‘Here’s Your Sign’ Moment

Yes, I’m referencing Bill Engvall.  Saw him live on a college Mom’s Weekend once, super funny, but I’ve always particularly loved the ‘Here’s Your Sign’ section of his standup!  Well, a couple weeks ago, I had mine.  I’ve been talking and talking and talking about change, and yet not always following through… and then BAM, Consequences!  I spent the night in the ER with some serious stomach pain.  It literally felt like someone was stabbing me right in between the ribs.  And without going into too much detail… turns out it is most likely all diet related.  Really?!  Worst pain of my life and it was because I drank too much coffee and ate a fatty dinner right before going to bed!  Yikes.  Total wake up call.  “Hello, Samantha.  This is your body speaking.  FEED ME RIGHT.”  Between that and the fact that I have been sick for basically the last month, proves to me that there is just no option anymore.  I have to treat my body well so that I can function and, oh yeah… not end up in the ER again.  J 

Oh and amidst this chaos… I had a side-note epiphany.  I want to have kids in a couple years… if I can’t take care of myself, how in the world am I going to take care of another little human whose life totally depends on me?!

In all honesty, since my trip to the ER, I have found it much easier to eat right.  I’m not on any sort of diet, but the fact that there are real, painful consequences if I don’t feed myself the right food keeps me in check.  Hopefully between that and some meds and some probiotics, my stomach can stay pain free for a very long time!  And benefit, without working out because I was sick… I’ve lost 2 pounds just from eating better!!  J

I did hit the gym today and am excited that I now have a workout buddy close to home as well, as a friend from work joined the Y too!!  Can’t wait to rock some Zumba tomorrow and try to get in a little better shape before Hawaii in less than two weeks!!!!!

I will be back soon, promise! 


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