
Surviving to Striving {Part 1: Setting up for Success}

I feel like I've reached a point in my fit-journey where I'm in basic stay-fit survival mode.  I'm not failing.  But I'm not moving forward either.  I eat fairly healthy, I go to the gym fairly regularly, but it has kind of taken a backseat to other things at the moment.  (Doesn't help that I was sick for a couple weeks too).  So I'm starting this little series to get my self back.
Survivng to Striving for success! 
Eventually I hope to be THRIVING! 
Survivng to Striving to Thriving. 
(Ok, I couldn't help the word combo, hehe)

Part 1: Setting myself up for Success in the food category.

I can be lazy when it comes to food.  I love cooking good meals, but I often only have time to do that a couple times a week.  For the most part I know that I'm grabbing the first thing I see in the fridge.  So when I had the time the other day I set myself up for success.

This is now the first thing in my fridge:

Boom.  Veggies.  And I've got a little container of hummus available too!

And for breakfast you ask?

Frozen Fruit ready to throw in the blender with some Kefir and/or Greek Yogurt.
Smoothies!  Done.

(Although... those frozen mangos were pretty darn tasty all by themselves, almost like eating sorbet...
they might get pulled out for a little sweet treat at night!)

Oh yeah... and of course my little sidekick wanted in on the fruit action too!

He waited so patiently for his frozen strawberry half!  :)

Got an extra half our this week?  Go pull out all the veggies in your fridge and wash and cut them how you like to eat them!  It will make it way easier to pull it out and eat immediately when you are wanting a snack!

<3 Sam

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sam! Great post! I'm also in the midst of a weight loss journey and I've found that being prepared is the #1 most effective way for me to lose weight. I get really lazy when I'm hungry and just grab whatever is quickest and easiest. That leads me to my second biggest rule: Snacking is important. I snack throughout the day so that I'm not STARVING whenever meal time comes. Snacking holds me over and makes me feel more motivated about actually preparing and cooking something healthy for myself when meal time rolls around. I think you hit the nail on the head!
