Oh Spring, how I LOVE you. My run today was absolutely beautiful! A perfect 56 degrees and the sun on my face! <3
If I haven’t mentioned it before, I am training with no music. I found out that I cannot wear my ipod or anything like it during the triathlon (makes sense… don’t want to get my ipod drowned in the first leg, lol). And when I found that out I decided I needed to get used to running without good tunes to help me through. It has been interesting, trying to come up with things to occupy my mind, especially as the runs have gotten longer. Today the sounds of spring really did me good. The birds were chirping, all the dogs were out barking (which I find adorable, as long as it’s not Maverick barking at the neighbors for the thousandth time), and the chainsaws were going. Time for yardwork! There was a huge fir being felled, and boy did it smell like spring to me!
All these things made my 25 minute run feel not as long as I thought it would feel. Today finished off week 6 of Cto5K! And I officially have no more runs that include any sort or recovery walk in the middle. :/ Because my runs are now longer, I am going further and this is what I had to encounter halfway through my run today…
A hill! And not a little one either. And yes, I took this picture on my phone while I was running up it! I definitely ran slower the second half because of this hill, but since my runs will go this long in the future, I am hesitantly looking forward to better results!
On another hesitant note… I’m going to do a 5K… in a week!! So I might be jumping ahead a little bit, but my Mother-in-law found a 5K for us in Olympia that is perfect for beginners. It is next Saturday at 8am, two loops around Capitol Lake. I’m going to love the fact that there are no hills!! It is all flat, and fairly scenic too! Let’s hope it is a beautiful day like today! I am really excited to see what kind of time I get from this first 5K. And it is going to be really awesome to have a running partner for this race! I’m a tiny bit worried about the fact that I won’t have run the distance before the race, but when I ran the half marathon I only ran 10 of the 13 miles before the race, so if I accommodate for the smaller race it might be ok. Hopefully the adrenaline and excitement of Race Day will help… it better, ‘cause I’m running it either way!
Not sure if I will have time for another post before then, so wish me luck! ;)